For this week, I spent most of my time within Unreal. I was assigned a few scenes to do for storyboarding purposes. I also took it as an opportunity to get a feel for how some of the scenes will feel in terms of lighting and cameras. Our group also had a conversation about aspect ratios. 1.77 is the easy answer and what I suspect most projects will be in. Boring! We wanted this to feel cinematic, obviously, so initially we were discussing 2.35 anamorphic. 
      I had felt this wide format would work against us, however, in that the idea is to maintain a sort of claustrophobic feeling. As a joke, I did my initial shots in 70mm IMAX filmback with a much taller 1.43, but a result I didn't expect was I was able to frame things the way I wanted, especially for the close ups. Because of the extremely large 70mm format, I was also able to get a good amount of DOF while still using the lens I wanted. 
      I know technically I (we) are not constrained by the limitations of physical cameras, but again, boring! If I get my way (I definitely won't), I'd like to take a page out of Nolan's book (begrudgingly), and use a combo of 1.43 for the tight shots and 1.90 for the more open shots.Anyway, that's enough of my incessant rambling. Below are a few screen shots of the work I was talking about, shot in 70mm IMAX, lol. 
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